Access of patients to innovative medicines in Romania

acces inovatie

Between 2012-2021, 460 new medicines were launched globally, while an average of 39% became available in Europe, and 37% in Romania. European countries launch only 15% of new medicines within a year of the first global launch, and in Romania only 6% of them were accessible in the first year.1

On average, between 2012-2021, new medicines were launched in Europe two years after the first global launch, but in Romania, the average access time is 32 months (24th place out of 29 countries evaluated by PhRMA). The European countries that offer the fastest access to innovation, according to PhRMA’s 2023 report, are Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Denmark and Norway (11-13 months after the global launch of a new medicine).2

Although efforts are constantly made and access is improving, patients’ access to new-generation, life-saving medicines is achieved in Romania with a delay of 918 days, while the European average is 517 days after obtaining the marketing authorization.3

Chart: Average time from central approval to availability of innovative medicines in Europe (2018-2021)
Source: EFPIA 2022 Patient WAIT indicator, IQVIA data, slide 13

Local American Working Group supports increased rapid access to innovative medicines in Romania, that can offer patients higher life expectancy and an improved quality of life.

  1. PhRMA, Global Access to New Medicines 2023 Report: Org/PhRMA-Refresh/Report-PDFs/A-C/2023-04-20-PhRMA-Global-Access-to-New-Medicines-Report- FINAL-1.pdf ↩︎
  2. PhRMA, Global Access to New Medicines 2023 Report: PhRMA/PhRMA-Org/PhRMA-Refresh/Report-PDFs/A-C/2023-04-20-PhRMA-Global-Access-to-New-Medicines-Report-FINAL-1.pdf ↩︎
  3. European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), EFPIA 2022 Patient WAIT Indicator:
    hqps://,ent_wait_indicator_final_report.pdf ↩︎